
最近看一些机器学习相关书籍,主要是为了拓宽视野。在阅读这本书前最吸引我的地方是实战篇,我通读全书后给我印象最深的还是实战篇。基础篇我也看了,但发现有不少理论还是讲得不够透彻,个人还是比较倾向于 《Machine Learning》–Tom M.Mitchell,Andrew 的 machine learning 课程,或周华志的《机器学习》,Jiawei Han 的 《data mining》。相对于本书的基础篇,这些侧重于理论基础的课程和书籍对基础模型的理解和阐释要更系统化。另外,值得注意的是本书基础篇有多处错误,比如高斯分布的公式,阅读时应当留意。


From Excel to Python——Data Analysis


This note introduces how to use Python to complete data processing and analysis in Excel through functional programming by comparing the functions of Python and Excel. Through these functions, we will introduce how to use Python to complete data generation and import, data cleaning, preprocessing, and the most common operations such as data classification, data filtering, classification and summary, and perspective.