
Hi, I am Qiang Yue(Eric). I obtained my Master of Science degree in Computer Science at Florida International University in Miami,FL. In the gap year after my college, I was interested in using data to explore the unknown, tell a story, and make an impact when I worked as a Data Analyst and Data engineer in China WiseWeb and Youka company.In the FIU MSCS program,worked as a research assistant, I set up high-performance computing (HPC) cluster to perform parallel computation and developed a module to real-time tracking of intra-regional immigration from the Caribbean to Puerto Rico after extreme events. Driven by curiosity and empathy, I look forward to using my analytics skills to make an impact in the future.

Project Portfolio

Migration Tracking after Natural Hazard Events

Pytrends, TF-IDF, Spacy, NER, DFM, ADF-test, MARSS

Tracking of immigration from the Caribbean to Puerto Rico after extreme events. Help local health departments reduce uncertainty of migrant inflows and better allocate public health resources to protect vulnerable migrants.

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SP-500 Financial Data Analysis

Python, Pandas Datareader, Rolling Mean and Return Rate, Predicting
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Every day billions of bytes of financial data are sent over the Internet. Whether it is the price of a share, an e-commerce transaction, or even information on a country’s GDP. All this data, when properly organized and managed can be used to build some amazing and insightful software applications.I used Pandas - Web Datareader to find the stocks prices , Scikit-Learn to predict and generate machine learning models, and finally Python as the scripting language.

Data Engineering Nanodegree Program on Udacity

AWS S3, Data Modelling, Cloud Data Warehouses, Data Lakes with Spark, Data Pipelines with Airflow, and the Capstone Project
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